Most Flirtatious

Richie Hakel and Teep Fizzell

Class Teases

Ginny Hileman and Ed Jennings

Best Cooks

Willie Cunningham and Ruth Bennett

Best Dancers

Carol Kelley and Gary Elliott

Most Co-Operative

John Ford and Mary Larson

Most Reserved

Kathy Edgar and Joe Magee

Most Likely to Succeed

George Newhouse and Dawn Abbey


Larry Connor and Sandy Bennett

Most Artistic

Lois Grohe and Bill Howard

Best Dressed

Dick Larson and Barbara Recny

Best Looking

Dick Burdick and Connie Nick

Best Personalities

Barbara Robey and Fred Larson

Most Popular

Terry Hickey and Louie Neely

Most Athletic

Chuck Cooper and Ann Megivern

Best Musicians

Barbara Fox and Wayne Church